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U.S. Influence on Korean Intellectual Property Rights Laws Furthers U.S. Imperialism
- 2004.-0.2-/ BASE21 News Desk

A solidarity message from No War Peace Action Korea
- 2003.-0.2-/ BASE21 News Desk

Statement on the death of two middle-school girls run over by an American armored vehicle
- 2002.-1.1-/ BASE21 News Desk

Asian Peace Alliance statement against US plans to attack Iraq
- 2002.-1.1-/ BASE21

Young Koreans United rally statement on KEDO
- 2002.-1.1-/ BASE21

Malaysia: Justice for Sabah deportees
- 2002.-0.9-/ BASE21 News Desk

Statement of the Asian Social Movements Meeting Bangkok, Thailand, August 10-12, 2002
- 2002.-0.8-/ BASE21

Massacres and Morality
- 2002.-0.7-/ BASE21 News Desk

Joint Korea-Japan Statement for the June 22 International Action Day against War and for Peace
- 2002.-0.6-/ BASE21 News Desk

Statement of Korean Groups for Peace: We Urge Israel to Stop Slaughtering Palestinians
- 2002.-0.6-/ BASE21 News Desk

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