Apr. 19  2024
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U.S. rejects offer to negotiate
For almost 50 years, the U.S. government has refused to sign a peace treaty with North Korea to end the Korean War, and continues to keep 37,000 troops in South Korea despite a massive popular movement calling on them to leave.
Does WSSD Stand for the "World Summit on $hameful Deals"?
The huge world summit, which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa with 40,000 participants from various sectors (government, NGOs, farmers, laborers) is fading away from people's memories, and the memories that do remain are a disappointment.

Protests against the U.S. military continue
- 2002.-0.8-/ BASE21 News Desk

[Latuff Cartoon] United Nations says no massacre in Jenin
- 2002.-0.8-/ BASE21 News Desk

[Latuff Cartoon] Business
- 2002.-0.8-/ BASE21

[Latuff Cartoon] Plan Colombia
- 2002.-0.7-/ BASE21 News Desk

Welcome to Presidential Candidate Noh's Announcement to Enact an Anti-corruption Law
- 2002.-0.7-/ BASE21 News Desk

Government Should Announce the Details of the Additional F-15K Bargaining Session.
- 2002.-0.7-/ BASE21 News Desk

Growing movement in Korea exposes U.S. war crimes
- 2002.-0.6-/ BASE21 News Desk

Debacle in Kwangju: Were Washington's cables read as a green light for the 1980 Korean massacre?
- 2002.-0.6-/ BASE21

Tribunal: U.S. crimes against Korean people
- 2002.-0.5-/ BASE21

Present Significance of the 5.18 Gwangju Revolution
- 2002.-0.5-/ BASE21

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