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Autonomous Farming Village Resists US Base Expansion
  The farming town of Daechuri, Korean for "Great Harvest Village", will never reap its famous rice harvest again, if the United States military continues with the planned expansion of its Camp Humphreys Army base. This concentration of U.S. troops in the Pyeongtaek region of South Korea will destroy the the farming communities of Daechuri, Doduri, and others. Over 500 households and thousands of residents live within the zoned areas.
the distruction of pimatgol in seoul jongno gu
  wed dec 1, 2004--my friend, Christian Karl, from Germany, took this picture of me in front of Jongno Gu District Office translating the demands for one of the ajuma's-wholosthershop- on their 28th day of protest-an entire block has already been razed

Prime minister Koizumi incites Korea to cease with Japan, little hesitatingly bowing to Yaskuni shrine.
- 2001.-0.8-/ BASE21

Prof. Ha-sung Jang given the ICGN Annual Award
- 2001.-0.8-/ BASE21 News Desk

A single person demonstration, another type of participatory democracy
- 2001.-0.8-/ BASE21 News Desk

Think Again: Anti-Corruption Law
- 2001.-0.7-/ BASE21 News Desk

We Want Cellphone Rate Cut
- 2001.-0.8-/ BASE21 News Desk

"One-Man Relay Rally" Launched Again Against Black-Hearted Government
- 2001.-0.8-/ BASE21

Emergency Statement from democratic civic and social organizations, concerned with the present situation of loss of reform, destruction of people's livelihood and backfire in democracy
- 2001.-0.7-/ BASE21 News Desk

"Berlusconi Assassini!"
- 2001.-0.7-/ BASE21

My Experience of the Anti-G8 Demonstrations
- 2001.-0.8-/ BASE21

IFJ Joins Newspaper Staff Strike
- 2001.-0.8-/ By

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