Apr. 19  2024
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About Us 
Christian's Photo Column 

Realization of non-violence and peace
  This is one part among GKU's manifesto, and is exactly what we think and are doing now.
We strongly oppose the Korean Government's Plan to Send Troops
  Even though our new President Roh Moo-hyun decided to send troops to Iraq, most of the Korean people do not agree with him. We belong to the huge anti-war movement stream which is flowing all around the world-- in Europe, Egypt, the U.S., China, Vietnam and Australia.

Solidarity, Outreach
- 2002.-0.9-/ Young Koreans United USA

Typhoon uncovers massacre site
- 2002.-0.9-/ BASE21 News Desk

Struggle about oil instead of war against “terror”?
- 2002.-0.9-/ BASE21 News Desk

[Photos] Korean anarchists stage 9/11 demonstration
- 2002.-0.9-/ BASE21

Koizumi뭩 visit to North Korea: a first for Japanese imperialism
- 2002.-0.9-/ BASE21 News Desk

[Cartoon] I want your OIL
- 2002.-0.9-/ BASE21 News Desk

[Cartoon] Support Gush Shalom
- 2002.-0.8-/ BASE21

GABRIELA statement on U.S. troops in the Philippines
- 2002.-0.7-/ BASE21

Korean-American groups protest South Korea's decision to feed livestock instead of North Korean people
- 2002.-0.7-/ BASE21

An Inter-Korean Naval Battle in the Yellow Sea Happened on 30 June
- 2002.-0.7-/ BASE21

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