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Letter to My Friend, Hankukyi
By Choi Hyun-mo Director of Policy Making, Korea Migrant Workers Human Rights Centre

Race to More Liberalization, Race to the Bottom--A look into the liberalization process and its effects in Korea
Ever since the economic crisis, the Kim Dae-jung government of Korea has been promoting series of measures to incorporate Korean economy into the financialised global economy.

Assessment of Kim Dae-Jung뭩 Gender Policies
Translated by PICIS from the Korean original published in PSSP Monthly (July-August 2002). Comments added by PICIS are in brackets [ ].

"Berlusconi Assassini!"
- 2001.-0.7-/ BASE21

500 websites participate in strike against the Korean Communication Decency Act
- 2001.-0.7-/ picis

A massive threat to the environment - the Saemangeum Reclamation Project
- 2001.-0.7-/ picis

5 government workers sued for collective action
- 2001.-0.7-/ picis

Protection of maternity? Undermining of women workers' rights!
- 2001.-0.7-/ picis

300 more workers taken by police, arrest warrants for 49 union leaders
- 2001.-0.6-/ picis

최악의 투표율 속에서 2기 집권 성공한 블레어
- 2001.-0.7-/ 참세상 뉴스센터

Series of brutal attacks on workers, again!
- 2001.-0.6-/ picis

2nd Peoples' Rally takes place in solidarity with the strikes
- 2001.-0.6-/ picis

General Strike 2001! 55,228 workers walk out
- 2001.-0.6-/ picis

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