Feb. 11  2025
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U.S. rejects offer to negotiate
For almost 50 years, the U.S. government has refused to sign a peace treaty with North Korea to end the Korean War, and continues to keep 37,000 troops in South Korea despite a massive popular movement calling on them to leave.
Does WSSD Stand for the "World Summit on $hameful Deals"?
The huge world summit, which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa with 40,000 participants from various sectors (government, NGOs, farmers, laborers) is fading away from people's memories, and the memories that do remain are a disappointment.

Coke...The Pause That Kills!!
- 2004.-1.1-/ James F. Harringon

Roh support for Iraq Invasion
- 2004.-0.7-/ Veronica

‘North Korea, South Korea’: Is it the US’s Korea?
- 2004.-0.7-/ BASE21 News Desk

U.S. government should stop the US-VISIT Immediately.
- 2004.-0.2-/ BASE21

New Anti USFK Protests in Seoul
- 2003.-0.6-/ BASE21 News Desk

Visiting Philippine president Arroyo in Seoul welcomed by protest.
- 2003.-0.6-/ BASE21

Democratic Labor Party of South Korea Urges Prosecutor of ICC to initiate investigation on the War Criminals - George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard
- 2003.-0.3-/ BASE21

Opposing the U.S. War of Invasion Against Iraq and the Korean Governmentë­© Plan to Send Troops
- 2003.-0.3-/ BASE21 News Desk

Small Victory for Korean Anti-War Protestors
- 2003.-0.3-/ BASE21

March 25: A Great Day of Victory for the S. Korean Anti-War Movement
- 2003.-0.3-/ BASE21 News Desk

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