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Mass Protests All over the World Against the Planned War in the Middle East

Thousands protested in Rabat, Morocco, on Jan. 11. And in Germany, the traditional remembrance in Berlin of World War I anti-war, communist leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht included a protest march of 5.000 with its main slogans directed against U.S. plans to invade Iraq.

Source  :  BASE21

by Christian / Base21 Media Activists

Thousands protested in Rabat, Morocco, on Jan. 11. And in Germany, the traditional remembrance in Berlin of World War I anti-war, communist leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht included a protest march of 5.000 with its main slogans directed against U.S. plans to invade Iraq.

As of Jan. 14, demonstrations have been scheduled in at least 32 countries in solidarity with the call from the International ANSWER coalition-Act Now to Stop War & End Racism-for mid-January actions.

International protests will target Pentagon bases, and in some cases activists will attempt to carry out inspections of the facilities for U.S. weapons of mass destruction. This is true in Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the Philippines, South Korea and Spain.

Demonstrations will also take place in Argentina, Austria, Bahrain Britain, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland.

Polls show between 70 and 85 percent of the population in Asia, Europe and Latin America oppose the war against Iraq.

South Asia, Latin America

In Pakistan, a coalition of secular, democratic and pro-socialist parties will demonstrate on Jan. 18 in Lahore in front of the U.S. Consulate. In India, the All-Indian Anti-Imperialist Forum (AIAIF), based in Calcutta, is organizing protests that day.

In Indonesia, the organization The Utopian of Bandung, West Java, pledged actions on Jan. 18.

In Argentina, the Mothers of the Plazo del Mayo have called for a Jan. 16 demonstration against the war on Iraq. They will march from the Plaza Italia to the U.S. Embassy. Many other organizations in Argentina also are backing the anti-war action, including one in Córdoba.

In Ecuador and Peru, organizations opposed to U.S. war policies are demonstrating outside the U.S. Embassy and United Nations Headquarters in Quito on Jan. 18 and the Embassy in Lima on Jan. 23, respectively.

In Mexico, a Jan. 18 demonstration will bring together people from both sides of the border at the International Bridge connecting El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, with participation from Chihuahua. The same day a protest will take place in Mexico City.

A protest is planned at the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala City on Jan. 17.

In Vieques, Puerto Rico, groups fighting to oust the Navy from using their island as a bombing range have added their names as supporters of Jan. 18-19 actions.

Anti-war groups in Canada plan demonstrations across the country on Jan. 18-19, with local actions in almost 30 cities across the country--from Vancouver and Winnipeg to Toronto, Montreal and St. John.


A national demonstration will take place in Paris on Jan. 18, in addition to protests in some provincial cities.

In Brussels, Belgium, the Stop USA--United States of Aggression--Coalition has called a Jan. 19 action under the slogans of "No war," "no sanctions" and "stop the bombardment." Demands also support the struggle of the Palestinian people.

At least three actions are planned in Spain for Jan. 18-19, including a protest march to the Torrejon airbase near Madrid to "Stop the war on Iraq before it starts."

In Italy, there are calls for demonstrations in Florence, Perugia and at Camp Ederle near Vicenza in northern Italy.

In Iceland, the first demonstration against the planned U.S. attack on Iraq is set for the afternoon of Jan. 18, with a meeting in the main square of Rekjavik and a march to the U.S. Embassy.

In Britain, a regional demonstration is planned in Yorkshire, and a weekend of protest and civil disobedience in London at the Northwood Military Base.

Netherlands organizations announced a protest in Leiden on Jan. 18 to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King with a demonstration for peace, civil rights and anti racism.
There will also be actions in Rotterdam, and at Volkel military air base in the south. There, peace inspectors will look for weapons of mass destruction--U.S. nuclear warheads are reportedly hidden there.

In Germany, actions are slated in Gera on Jan. 17, and on Jan. 18 Jena, Bonn, and Berlin, and a group in Heidelberg will demonstrate at the U.S. military headquarters and near Frankfurt at the Rhine-Main Air Base also on Jan. 18.

In Sweden, the protest is set for Gothenburg.

In Austria, the demonstration is set for Jan. 17 at the U.S. Embassy in Vienna at 5 p.m.
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