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Malaysian NGOs strongly condemn the United States attack and invasion of Iraq

Joint Statement: 21 March 2003.

Source  :  Malaysian NGOs

We, Malaysian NGOs strongly condemn the United States attack and invasion of Iraq. The illegal war waged by the George W. Bush Administration, is not just a war on Iraq, but a devastating attack on humanity, justice and peace. The aggression launched has severely undermined the institutions of international laws and collective securities established after the second World War, that have sought to maintain peace and harmony throughout the world.

We are aggrieved and angry that peaceful resolutions have not been given all opportunities and time to solve the conflict. We are also aggrieved and angry that that the war is being conducted in opposition to international opinion, international law and international institutions. Instead the US-war machinery breaches all available mechanisms in a apparent haste to bring deaths to hundreds of thousands of Iraqis during the war and beyond.

The pre-emptive strike on Iraq cannot be justified on any rational ground and indeed breaches all protocols, conventions and laws established in the international community. The attack is the icing on the cruel culmination of years of punishment and
sanctions on the Iraqi people, for something they have not done. This war will primarily cause suffering to millions of innocent Iraqis, and will result in massive internal displacement, war refugees, carnage and destruction. The consequences
of the war cannot be underestimated, as the repercussions will bring further instability in an already volatile and violent world.

We stand with millions of people around the world in denouncing this belligerent and illegitimate action. We strongly believe that it is only the weight of public opinion and solidarity with the people of the world that can circumvent further attacks on Iraq. The voices against war must unite and speak now, in chorus, to bring peace to this broken world.

We call upon the Malaysian government to suspend all diplomatic ties with the United States, and recall our ambassador to the United States, in a serious show of protest against the war.

In yet another black day in our history, which will be remembered, for all the horrors that a war would bring, we again express our loudest and strongest opposition to the war, and urge peace to be restored nd to be given a real chance.

2003 / -0 / 3-
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