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Bidu and Jamal deported

Jamal was active in the migrant movement and a sympathizer of ETU-MB. Both, Bidu and Jamal participated in the rally and demonstration in October 26, organized by KCTU to protest against the repression against unionë­© activities.

Source  :  BASE21

by Christian / Base21 Media Activists

On December 30 South Korean authorities executed the deportation of Khademul Islam Bidduth and Jamal Ali.

K.I. Bidduth (Bidu) is an active member of ETU-MB (Equality Trade Union – Migrants’ Branch). Last year during EUT-MB’s first sit-in struggle on the area of Myeongdong, begun on April 7, he participated from the first until the last day – altogether 77 days. On September 2, last year, he together with Kabir Uddin was arrested and imprisoned in Hwaseong Detention Center. During this period they protested against the imprisonment by a 21-day hunger strike. After their release in November 21 immediately Bidu begun again the political activities in the migrant workers movement and in the ETU-MB. He knew well to organize new members for the union and he is a brilliant speaker.

Bidu was born on September 13, 1974 in Bangladesh. Bidu came to South Korea in 1996 and he was working in different hard jobs. He was an elected member of the leadership of Bangladesh Patriot Society.

Jamal Ali (Jamal) is 17 years old. When he departed in South Korea, May 2001, he was just 15 years old. This fact actually means nothing else that his employers here employed a child!

Jamal was active in the migrant movement and a sympathizer of ETU-MB.
Both, Bidu and Jamal participated in the rally and demonstration in October 26, organized by KCTU to protest against the repression against union’s activities. Short after the beginning of the demonstration large units of riot police attacked the demonstrators. In defending themselves and their comrades they were brutal arrested. One day later they were transferred to Hwaseong Detention Center and in October 28 to Yosu Migrant Detention Center in the South of the country.

In the night to December 30 they were transferred again to Hwaseong Detention Center.

2003 / -1 / 2-
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