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SIKLAB solidarity statement for migrant workers

Celebrating Over a Decade of Struggle
Philippine Women Centre of B.C.
ph/fax: (604) 215-1103 (Philippine Women Center)

SIKLAB, Vancouver, CANADA Solidarity Message and Response to Action

Warm and militant greetings from SIKLAB (Overseas Filipino Workers organization ). We stand with overseas migrant workers in Korea in condemning the Korean government for their deceitful registration policy, crackdown and purging of illegal migrant workers in Korea. We stand in solidarity with our fellow overseas workers in Korea calling for the recognition and genuine legalization of undocumented migrants.

SIKLAB is a grassroots community organization of Filipino workers and professionals toiling in low-wage, non-unionized, service sector jobs despite having the third highest level of education of any immigrant community. As a growing marginalized community exploited as cheap labor, SIKLAB struggles to advance the rights of workers of the Filipino community.

Like Korea, the Canadian government is pointing it's fingers at migrants and immigrants as the scapegoat behind the deepening impacts of imperialism. Tighter immigration policies, fewer rights and outright racism are outright attacks on migrant workers and immigrants while continuing to use us as cheap labor.

The Korean governments refusal to recognize and legalize undocumented migrant workers is an insult. Undocumented overseas migrant workers are the backbone of the Korean economy providing Korea with a pool of cheap labor from third world countries like the Philippines. The Voluntary Reporting Period is nothing but a fear-mongering tool to fan anti-immigrant flames and deflect attention from the real culprit: imperialist globalization. The Voluntary Reporting Period solves neither the joblessness nor helps the economy. What the 300, 000 undocumented overseas workers need is genuine legalization!

SIKLAB stands with the migrant workers of Korea in condemning the Korean government for this deceitful registration policy. We stand united in solidarity with our fellow overseas workers in Korea calling for the recognition and genuine legalization of undocumented migrants.

Recognize and legalize the 300,000 undocumented overseas workers in Korea!
Long Live International Solidarity!
Down with Imperialism!

2002 / -0 / 5-
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