U.S.A.: It’s not enough to support military dictatorships?
The German newspaper “Berliner Zeitung” in her issue from Saturday, 2002-10-11, writes, that the U.S. Government is planning after the “victorious invasion” in Iraq a military government under the leadership of the U.S. military.
Source :  BASE21
by Christian/Base21 Media Activist
The German newspaper Berliner Zeitung in her issue from Saturday, 2002-10-11, writes, that the U.S. Government is planning after the victorious invasion in Iraq a military government under the leadership of the U.S. military. According to media information the responsibility to the civilian politicians will given only little by little. This could taken month or years, a U.S. official says.
The Iraqi exile opposition would play a much slighter part as until now accepted, Berliner Zeitung says.
So, this means nothing else as a military dictatorship.
Meanwhile, last Friday the U.S. Congress has given Bush the power of attorney for a possible attack to Iraq.
2002 / -1 / 0-