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South Korea joins worldwide rally against U.S. war on Iraq

The spirited rally loudly expressed their displeasure at the United States' plans to attack Iraq as well as send a clear warning to the next South Korean president, to be decided in December, that the South Korean people will oppose any efforts by their government to support the U.S. in the next stage of their "war on terrorism."

Source  :  Base21

¡â Photographed by Jang Dong-reol, Tongil News (

by Terry Park/Base21 Media Activist

Seoul, Korea--Student, peace, socialist, religious, and civic groups converged at Insadong plaza in downtown Seoul on Saturday to participate in a global anti-war protest. The spirited rally loudly expressed their displeasure at the United States' plans to attack Iraq as well as send a clear warning to the next South Korean president, to be decided in December, that the South Korean people will oppose any efforts by their government to support the U.S. in the next stage of their "war on terrorism."

The Korean Action Network Aganist War, an alliance of progressive and anti-war groups such as the Korean Democratic Labor Party and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, as well as All Together, a radical student group, the Socialist Party, and the National Peoples' Union all were represented at the peace rally. Organization leaders denounced the U.S. government for their hostile attitude towards Iraq, America's desire to dominate the Middle East and its vast oil reserves, and warned of the devastating consequences of a full-scale assault. Some of the speakers looked to be old enough to have lived through the Korean War, and many gruesome photos showed maimed children, so the connection between the Iraqi and Korean people at the hands of U.S. neo-imperialism was made palpable. It was only a few months ago that similar photos of two Korean schoolgirls killed by an American army tank were shown on streets all over South Korea.

A singer gave a short concert and well-known actor Cheong Jin-yeong was loudly applauded for his condemnation of the U.S government's war plans and their supporters in the South Korean government.

A number of colorful banners were displayed, including portraits of President George W. Bush, National Security Advisor Condeleeza Rice, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld dubbed the peoples' "Axis of Evil." A Palestinian flag and a pink triange waved in the crowd. Large photos of the four main presidential candidates were also displayed. Only the KDLP candidate has spoken out against a war on Iraq. The other three have either promised to pledge their support to the U.S. if elected or have stayed mum on the subject.

On possible South Korean support for an attack on Iraq, "Chan", a member of All Together, responded, "South Korea is a long-time U.S. ally, so it will most likely support U.S. action against Iraq." In regards to the "war on terrorism" moving to the Korean peninsula in light of North Korea's recent disclosure of its nuclear weapons program, "Chan" said, "Many Korean people are worried that the U.S. will attack North Korea after Iraq. Clinton almost attacked in 1994, so it could happen again."

Protestors later marched to nearby Jong-myo Park. Members of All Together promised, "This is only the beginning of our struggle. We will create a mass movement against any imperialist war!"

Elsewhere, the Associated Press reported 8,000 marched in Berlin, 1,500 came out in Frankfurt, 1,500 gatherd in front of the U.S. embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1,000 rallied in Stockholm, Sweden, and 300 held a "peace walk" in Tokyo. The American anti-war coalition A.N.S.W.E.R. reported 200,000 took over the streets of Washington, D.C., and 100,000 people paraded in San Francisco. Mass rallies also took place in New York City, London, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Madrid, Mexico City, Brussels, Luxembourg, Puerto Rico and India.

¡â Photographed by Jang Dong-reol, Tongil News (

¡â Photographed by Jang Dong-reol, Tongil News (

¡â Photographed by Jang Dong-reol, Tongil News (

¡â Photographed by Jang Dong-reol, Tongil News (

¡â Photographed by Jang Dong-reol, Tongil News (
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