Feb. 11  2025
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Israeli paper calls Jewish settlers thieves, who rape the Jewish religion

The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on Thursday castigated Jewish settlers in the West Bank for attacking defenseless Palestinians farmers and at gun point stealing their olive crops.

Source  :  BASE21

by Christian/Base21 Media Activist

The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on Thursday castigated Jewish settlers in the West Bank for attacking defenseless Palestinians farmers and at gun point stealing their olive crops.

Writing under the title the army must stop the olive thieves, the Ha'aretz daily pointed out that the collective theft by the settlers of Palestinian olive harvest signified a certain change in the current strife between Palestinians and Israelis.

For the first time in the current conflict, Israelis are stealing and confiscating Palestinian food. Even if they don't admit it, it can be seen as laying the groundwork for Transfer, not by the state but by a group of settlers.

The paper criticized the Israeli army for watching passively Jewish settlers carry out their rampage of theft and destruction in the west Bank.

They are burning the olive harvests, damaging the olive trees and preventing farmers from reaching privately owned groves.

Ha'aretz pointed out that in order to effect their agenda of terror and theft against Palestinians, the settlers enlisted the former Chief Rabbi Mordeachi Eliahu who issued a religious edict ruling that Palestinian olive harvest belonged to the Jews.

This is rape of Jewish religion, the handiwork of idol worshipers and a disgrace for the people of Israel, whether from the right or the left, secular or religious.

Finally, the paper warned that if the harvest robbers were not stopped immediately, there would be for the first time justification for international military involvement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
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