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Israeli journalist castigates state silence at Jewish fascist parties

A prominent Israeli journalist has warned against widespread silence and inaction within the Zionist state and among big political parties toward fascist and neo-Nazi voices demanding the expulsion of Palestinians from their ancestral homeland.

Source  :  BASE21

by Christian/Base21 Media Activist

A prominent Israeli journalist has warned against widespread silence and inaction within the Zionist state and among big political parties toward fascist and neo-Nazi voices demanding the expulsion of Palestinians from their ancestral homeland.

Amira Hass, who writes for the Ha'aretz daily newspaper from Ramallah pointed out that the preachers of "transfer solution" were getting stronger while the Israeli political establishment and the justice system were displaying indifference.

It is lamentable that the attorney-general has utterly failed to prevent those "fascists from disseminating their ideas when the more appropriate titles ascists, racists and even neo-Nazis" are used to describe people like them in Europe.

Hass accused successive Israeli governments of facilitating the task of "expelling the Palestinians" by building hundreds of Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank.

The settlers and their lobbyists can be accused of extremism, but they are only taking to the logical conclusion the settlement policies in the territories which encourage Jewish development and limit as much as possible Palestinian development and growth through land confiscation, demolition and other pressure tactics.

Hass criticized the Israeli left and the remaining civilized sectors in the Israeli society for doing virtually nothing and saying nothing in the face of settler fascism.

"The question must be directed to the Labor Party, Meretz and even Shinui and to some of the more balanced social elements that still exist in Shas and the Likud. Do you intend to stand on the sidelines, encouraging with your inaction the transferists who more than ever are motivated by divine messianic delusions?"

2002 / -1 / 1-
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