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Israeli regime imposes further draconian measures against Palestinians

Seeking to torment, humiliate and degrade ordinary Palestinians as much as possible, the Israeli occupation army has imposed additional draconian measures against the Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Source  :  BASE21

by Christian / Base21 Media Activists

Seeking to torment, humiliate and degrade ordinary Palestinians as much as possible, the Israeli occupation army has imposed additional draconian measures against the Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The new measures, which many Palestinians label as "Nazi-like," include a hermetic closure on Palestinian population centers, including even villages and small hamlets, a ban on travel abroad for anyone below the aged of 35, and barring Palestinian ambulances from traveling on inter-city roads in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Some Palestinian towns have witnessed harsher measures in the past 48 hours, prompting accusations that the Israeli apartheid state was effectively implementing a silent ethnic cleansing against Palestinians.

In the town of Dura, 13 kilometers south of al-Khalil (Hebron), huge Israeli bulldozers rumbled into the town Monday and dug deep trenches across the main streets and thoroughfares and sealed all entrances and exits with huge ramparts of rocks and dirt.

In the process, the bulldozers, protected by trigger-happy soldiers, crushed telephone grids, severing telecommunications with the outside world.

Eyewitnesses testified that Israeli troops destroyed a small tractor belonging to the town's municipal council for trying to make an opening into one of the huge ramparts to enable an ambulance to transfer an elderly woman to hospital in nearby al-Khalil.

In another instance, an Israeli officer threatened to demolish one of the homes in the town after a man objected to erecting a rampart right at his doorstep.

The man said an Israeli officer told him "I hope you all die, men, women and children. We are Nazi, and you'd better come to terms with this fact."

Elsewhere in the West Bank, Israeli occupation troops have demolished seven homes in the Ramallah and Nablus regions for a variety of concocted reasons.

The home demolition practice, considered a war crime under international law, has assumed epidemic proportions in recent weeks and months, with the Israeli occupation army destroying an average of five civilian homes on any given day.

In addition to the financial losses and emotional pain inflicted on innocent civilians, the home demolitions mean that thousands of Palestinian families become homeless right in the middle of winter.

The United States has recently rebuked Israel for wantonly destroying Palestinian homes.

However, Israel apparently didn't take the mild rebuke seriously and continued to carry out the nefarious and harsh practice, undeterred by any human or legal considerations.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army continued to make daily sweeps of random arrests of Palestinian youths and young men on the slightest suspicion of aiding the resistance.

On Tuesday night, the Israeli occupation army arrested more than 25 people in various localities in the West Bank.

The detainees are usually sent to any of the several concentration camps throughout Palestine where they are often tortured and systematically maltreated by Israeli soldiers.

Last week, more than 40 Palestinian inmates were injured, some badly, at the Ofer concentration camp near Ramallah, when Israeli soldiers attacked some 1200 internees who were protesting systematic beating by soldiers.

Israel is the only country in the world where physical and psychological torture is officially sanctioned by the law.

2003 / -0 / 1-
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