Seoul: Mass Protests Against the War
Like in Europe, Egypt, the U.S., China, Vietnam and Australia in the South Korean capital Seoul thousands demonstrated last Saturday against the U.S. led aggression against Iraq.
Source :  BASE21
by Christian / Base21 Media Activists
Like in Europe, Egypt, the U.S., China, Vietnam and Australia in the South Korean capital Seoul thousands demonstrated last Saturday against the U.S. led aggression against Iraq.
After a powerful rally in Seoul's Jongmyo park the masses marched toward the U.S. embassy, downtown Seoul, several times blocked by riot police units. Around one hundred meters away from the embassy large riot police units and many busses blocked the way.
Occupying Jong-no, one of Seoul's largest avenues, again a rally took place. The masses, now more than 10.000 people, demended the immediately withdrawling of the aggressors. But also the dangerous situation on the Korean Peninsula was an important issue in the most of the speeches. And again the demonstrators demanded from Korean president Roh to take back his decision to send S. Korean troops into Iraq.
The event ended with a big, poweful party for peace, a world without wars and any oppression.
Next day, on Sunday, a large demonstration from gov't workers took place downtown Seoul. The the main issue on the demonstration was the demand for the 3 labour rights. But also on this demonstration, at least 4000 workers participaded, the people demanded the immediately withdrawling of the aggression troops out off Iraq and "No South Korean troops to Iraq!"

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