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Israeli occupation army interns hundreds at refugee camp

Israeli occupation forces, backed by tanks and helicopter gunships, on Wednesday attacked the Tulkarm refugee camp in the northern West Bank.

Source  :  BASE21

by Christian / Base21 Media Activists

Israeli occupation forces, backed by tanks and helicopter gunships, on Wednesday attacked the Tulkarm refugee camp in the northern West Bank.

The incursion, the biggest since the onset of the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, is apparently aimed at arresting or killing suspected Palestinian resistance activists.

Palestinian sources in Tulkarm said crack Israeli soldiers violently raided homes and vandalized property, after forcing women and children out at gunpoint.

Eyewitnesses said the invading troops came under fire from a few Palestinian fighters at the camp.

The Israeli occupation army reported that at least a thousand Palestinians between the age of 18-40 were interned at the local school.

In Tulkarm itself, Israeli occupation troops demolished the family home of a Palestinian guerilla who last week carried out a bombing operation in Netanya, north of Tel Aviv.

Earlier, the occupation forces dynamited four other homes in the town belonging to the families of suspected Palestinian resistance activists.

Israel routinely destroys homes belonging to families and relatives of Palestinian guerrillas.

It is believed that Israel has demolished as many as 3000 Palestinian homes since the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising against Jewish colonialist occupation of the Palestinian homeland.

The incursion into Tulkarm has reinforced Palestinian fears that the Israeli occupation army might resort to harsher measures against Palestinian population centers, taking advantage of the world's preoccupation with Iraq.
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