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Palestinians receive "Nazi-like treatment" in Israeli concentrations camps

Palestinian jurist sources reported on Thursday that Israeli Prison Authority (PA) and army jailers have dramatically stepped up their maltreatment of Palestinian political prisoners in Israel's seven concentration and detention camps.

Source  :  BASE21

by Christian / Base21 Media Activists

Palestinian jurist sources reported on Thursday that Israeli Prison Authority (PA) and army jailers have dramatically stepped up their maltreatment of Palestinian political prisoners in Israel's seven concentration and detention camps.

The Palestinian daily al-Ayyam reported that prisoners were increasingly being subjected to beating, kicking and other forms of physical torture at the hands of Israeli soldiers guarding the facilities.

The paper quoted a lawyer who visited the Beir Saba?prison recently as saying that conditions at the detention camp were "intolerable and unbearable."

The lawyer also said that Israeli officials at the camp were denying prisoners medical attention and refusing to transfer badly-wounded people to hospital.

In some other detention centers, such as Hadarim and Nafha, Israeli soldiers reportedly beat prisoners violently and imposed extremely draconian punishments for any pretext.

Israel currently is holding more than 10,000 Palestinian internees for the purpose of using them as bargaining chips.

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