A Weekend in the Spirit of Peace and Anti-War
Speeches against the US-led aggression, against the presence of US troops on the Korean peninsula and for a peaceful unification were held. The organizers presented also a very good cultural program with stage plays, dance and music.
Source :  BASE21

by Christian / Base21 Media Activists
From last Friday until Sunday the Korean Federation of Student Councils, in Korean Hanchongryeon, celebrated the so called 5-Festival. On the campus of Seoul’s Yonsei University thousands of students discussed about the peace movement, re-unification of North and South Korea and how to fight imperialism to achieve a better world. Beside this they were listen to traditional and modern music and visited exhibitions. On the film festival it was possible to watch different documentaries like Bowling for Columbine or Intifada ?Road to Freedom.
On Saturday evening Hanchongryeon and anti-war groups organized a great Peace Festival on Jong-no Avenue, near the US embassy. Between 6000 and 7000 mainly students participated on the rally. Speeches against the US-led aggression, against the presence of US troops on the Korean peninsula and for a peaceful unification were held. The organizers presented also a very good cultural program with stage plays, dance and music. A dance, performed by students from Gyeongbuk University about the killing of the two schoolgirls last year by a US military vehicle was very impressive.
And of course the end of the event was marked with a great party - everybody was dancing to the rock version of the Korean traditional song Airang.
On Sunday thousands of students demonstrated against the military threats against the DPRK by the US government. They demanded very openly the withdrawal of the US troops out off Korea and efforts for a peaceful unification as soon as possible as the only solution for to save the peace in North East Asia. And of course they demanded the withdrawal of the occupation forces out off Iraq. Large units of riot cops were in emergency service but the demonstration ended peacefully.

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