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[Open Letter] The Korean Committee Against MD & For Peace proposes to jointly organize an international conference

The "Korean Committee Against MD & For Peace" proposes to jointly organize an international conference, scheduled to be held in coming October, to step up for the people's global action to stop the US government's MD plan. ( for more details, please find attached files.)

Source  :  BASE21

Dear Friends

I am writing to call your attention.

The "Korean Committee Against MD & For Peace" proposes to jointly organize an international conference, scheduled to be held in coming October, to step up for the people's global action to stop the US government's MD plan. ( for more details, please find attached files.)

Northeast Asia will be a key region for middle defense programs and North Korea has long been touted as one of the so-called rogue nations justifying missile defense. The Bush Administration's hostile attitude towards the Korean Reconciliation process, which brought together the leaders of the two Koreas at the historic June 15th summit meeting last year, is actually the real obstacle to peace in the region.

Northeast Asia is the one region in the world where Cold War-like military confrontation is still a prospect. On August 13-14, Seoul was the site of the International Conference on Korean Reconciliation and Reunification for Global Peace, which brought together participants from international civil society from the Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America, to push the reconciliation process from below. We aim to capitalize on the momentum of the movements by using the international conference in Seoul to energize regional and global efforts to oppose missile defense.

We urgently request your help in these efforts by contacting us regarding the possibility of paying for someone in your organization to attend and speak at the International Conference, or to help us in paying for the costs of international participation. We believe the conference could be an important milestone in globalizing the struggle against missile defense and for peace.

If you or your organization are unable to attend, we urge you to think about efforts on the global day of action to highlight the connection between Korean Reconciliation, Global Peace and the Missile Defense issue. Gatherings at US Embassies to call on the Bush Administration and to support the Korean Reconciliation process could be a very effective action, as the restarting of the peace process could take away the justification for US missile defense programs. Other actions could be to send delegations to meet with representatives or officials about opposing missile defense and support regional peace processes, as in Korea.

Please contact us regarding coming to or cosponsoring the conference.


Youngmi Yang

Int'l Coordinator
People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
Tel +82-2-723-4250
Fax +82-2-723-5055
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