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Iran in the sight of Washington

In the U.S. more voices are calling for a ë°ºouble war

Source  :  BASE21

by Christian/Base21 Media Activist

In the U.S. more voices are calling for a “double war” in the Golf region.
Fearing, that the U.S. Government wants a complete political new order in the whole Golf region – attack beside Iraq also Iran – got now new confirmations.
In “The View to America/Pentagon Letter 8/2002” Sidney E. Dean, President of the Transatlantic Euro-American Multimedia LCC, analyze the considerations of Bush’s advisors. Here comes the explosive conclusion: for Iran exists real danger, on the way of the political new order of the Middle East, to be also attacked by the U.S.

In the ongoing discussions there are also considerations, if it makes at least not sense to eliminating all the “evils” in the region all at once, instead to carry on again the same effort five years later.

According to Israeli sources, the U.S. Air Force, at present, build up a military airport near the west Afghan city of Heart. And basicly exceed “the number and size of U.S. bases in Central Asia what’s necessary for the anti-terror struggle”, Dean is writing.

To the ground of a possible attack against Teheran the U.S. Government could list some different “facts”:
“Iran is supporting Al Qaeda, hiding there activists and giving them free transit to Syria/Lebanon (that’s alone could be a ground for an attack, according to the resolutions after 2001/9/11)”, so Dean in his study.
In general the U.S. and Israel are blaming Iran for supporting the “international terror”.

(There comes the news from 2002-10-12 just right, that behind the attack against a Jewish community house in Buenos Aires 8 years ago. According to Indymedia Germany)

Besides the U.S. Government presumes, that “Iran is possession of mass destructive weapons”.

And last but not least, Iran is a part of Bush’s “axis of evil”. And as we know this alone is a reason for to start a war.
2002 / -1 / 0-
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