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Korean National Security Law Should Be Eradicated, Civic Group Says

The Citizen's Alliance for Abolishing the National Security Law held a demonstration yesterday calling for its immediate disappearance in Korea.

Source  :  BASE21

Photo by the Citizen's Alliance For Abolishing the NSL

Oct. 16 2001

(Seoul, Korea) - The Citizen's Alliance for Abolishing the National Security Law held a demonstration yesterday calling for its immediate disappearance in Korea.

"We will make every effort to mobilize public sentiment against this law, which has caused hatred and conflict among Koreans" said one activist, who wished to remain anonymous.

Participants of this campaign will initiate a one-person protest in front of the National Assembly. The purpose of the protest will be to draw attention to Korean politicians who support the NSL and hopefully pressure them into revoking the law.

"If anyone is interested in joining us in our campaign, please visit"

By Chang-nam Lee/ Staff Reporter
2001 / -1 / 0-
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