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[May 5th] Straight News of Mayday Week's Struggle (April 2-30)

Daewoo workers' Struggle, Korea Telecom Casual workers' Struggle, Foreign workers' Struggle etc. Now, the situation of Korean Economy is like the battle ground against Neo-liberalism policy of the Kim Dae-jung Government.

Source  :  BASE21

[April 30] Youth and Student Cultural Festival and Struggling Assembly

Photographed by PatchA
Base21 Staff Reporter

- Daewoo workers' Struggle, Korea Telecom Casual workers' Struggle, Foreign workers' Struggle etc. Now, the situation of Korean Economy is like the battle ground against Neo-liberalism policy of the Kim Dae-jung Government.
On April 30th, the Cultural Festival and Resolution Assembly for Casual Workers was held with 20,000 students and workers in Kyunghee University Main Play Ground. The place was boiled with the voices and shouts of many people, "Secure the workers' Rights!!! Abolish the Casual Employment!!! DJ-OUT !!!"

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