Korean Train Industry: Under the hand of Capitalists.
BASE21 NGO News Service
Source :  BASE21

By Chang-nam Lee/Staff Reporter
(Dec. 8, 2001/ Seoul, Korea) -- Over 4000 transportation trade unionists held a demonstration in Youido last Friday to protest the Korean government's decision to quickly pass a bill that would privatize the train industry.
The train workers vehemently called for the suspension of the bill. They argue that the bill, riddled with defects, would lower the quality of services in the transportation industry.
One worker commented, "The only way to express our objection against this senseless bill is to come out to the streets."
A train union member from Pusan expressed concern that the government will sell state-run companies in such industries as gas and train.
"It is really ridiculous that the ruling class wants to dominate the entire market. They forget that the role of the state is to protect their citizens from outside influences" workers stated during a rally in front of Seoul Station Plaza.

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