Apr. 26  2024
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Stop disclosing private information!

No Fingerprint Movemnet

Source  :  Jinbo in Progress #2 [Jinbonet Newsletter]

The No Fingerprint Movement, a federation of six NGOs for the democratization of information, which includes Jinbonet and the Solidarity for the Reformation of the Resident Registration Law, recently urged the police to stop disclosing private information. In particular, they criticized the police for disclosing to the public the resident registration numbers and other sensitive information of workers wanted for leading the electric power strike last month.

In their statement, they demanded a halt to this conduct and the censure of the responsible person, asserting that to disclose the resident registration number and other information of wanted people is tantamount to the illegal trampling of citizens' right to privacy. In addition, this tactic is intended to destroy the spirit of the strikers and to interfere in the lawful actions of labor union
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