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I Don't Hate Korean People

This is my second visit to Korea, and I have been living here for 4 years. I had a chance to watch a performance called, 'Hand in Hand in Peace' a little while ago. It was my first ever theatre experience in Korea.

Source  :  Asian Workers News No. 135 (August 4th , 2002)

By Duo Yuan, Vietnamese worker

Hello! I am Duo Yuan, from Vietnam.
This is my second visit to Korea, and I have been living here for 4 years. I had a chance to watch a performance called, 'Hand in Hand in Peace' a little while ago. It was my first ever theatre experience in Korea.
I was very impressed by the performance because I knew that the Korean army participated in the Vietnam War and the performance was given to apologies for the pain they caused the Vietnamese people during that time, wishing for peace between the two nations.
The most touching scene was when Vietnamese and Korean children sang together, hand in hand, with doctors. It was beautiful and very impressive.
In fact, while I've been in Korea, many Korean people asked me, "Do you hate Korean people because we joined in the Vietnam War?"
I was aware of the fact that the Korean army had to do so against their will, so I reply to them, "I don't hate Korean people".
The past is gone and we are now in the present. As in the scene from the performance, I hope Korea and Vietnam can be true friends and cooperate for the glory of both countries.
Also, more performance like this one!
As a Vietnamese, I would like to show my appreciation to everyone who is deeply concerned about Vietnam, such as organisations like the Vietnam Peace Medical Union, International Democratic Union, Me & Us. Please continue your good work.
2002 / -0 / 9-
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