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50,000 expected to participate in May Day rally in Seoul

Large labor rallies, ones much bigger than in previous years, are expected to be held in Seoul today, the nation's Labor Day, government officials said yesterday.

Source  :  Korea

Large labor rallies, ones much bigger than in previous years, are expected to be held in Seoul today, the nation's Labor Day, government officials said yesterday.

Officials predicted this year's Labor Day rallies to have more participants, in light of widespread layoffs and attempts by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), a powerful umbrella labor organization, to make up for setbacks in trying to escalate labor tensions.

"The KCTU said it estimated about 100,000 people would participate in the rallies but our estimate is more like 50,000, including about 6,000 students," said Kim Sung-joong, director general for labor management cooperation at the Ministry of Labor.

About 21,000 people took part in May Day demonstrations last year.

Labor tensions which had gathered strength in April cooled off after striking workers in several key firms, notably Seoul subway and Daewoo Heavy Industries, decided to go back to work and end walkouts.

The KCTU, which claims a membership of 550,000, has denied a weakening in support for its cause and said it would intensify struggles this month to ensure better working conditions and an end to mass layoffs.

Officials said the KCTU, which actually began the tradition of May Day protests with the group's launch in November, 1995, would probably use today's rallies to set off another round of strikes.

"The main rally will be at the Seoul train station in the afternoon," Kim said.

Kim added different labor unions affiliated with the KCTU, including the Korean Metal Workers' Federation and Korean Transport Public Service, Clerical Workers' Union, will hold separate gatherings in the morning and meet at Seoul train station for a joint gathering at 2 p.m.

"We expect traffic to be interrupted around Seoul station during the afternoon," Kim said.

Kim expected the rallies to be held peacefully but said participation of members of Hanchongnyon, a militant student group, could turn them into violent ones.

The nation remained free of strikes yesterday as the KCTU was gearing up for rallies to be held today.
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