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Mr. Sirajl Islam, Released from Immigration

Sirajl Islam who was in prison of Immigration because of his status, undocumented worker, although he had violated by a Korean employer. After all, he was released in April 3.

Source  :  Asian Workers News No. 130 (May 19, 2002)

By Lee Min-jun, Staff Reporter of Asian Workers News

Sirajl Islam who was in prison of Immigration because of his status, undocumented worker, although he had violated by a Korean employer. After all, he was released in April 3.
Many people who deplored the decline in human right made him set free. April 3, there was a assembly against Bupyeong police which violated migrant workers' rights in front of Bupeyong police by Korea Migrant Worker Center for human right. About 50, (Koreans and migrant workers) and 10 journalists who were indignant at Sirajl's case took part in the assembly. Unusually, most of participants were industrial disaster victims such as a Bangladeshi who his arm, leg and face was in a plaster case and a Korean-Chinese walked on crutch. Because Sarajl was being under treatment before he was in prison.
The process of the assembly was not easy. The participants demanded talking with the head of police station and apology but was rejected and the door of the police station was closed firmly. The participants wrangled with polices in front of the door. However, the door was not still opened so they could not help came back.
The participants marched along the street. For 30 minutes, they marched from Bupyeong Police to Bupyeong station with a slogan and distribution of copies.

After the march, the staffs of Korea Migrant Worker Center for human right went to Incheon Immigration office to set free of Sarajl. They had a talking with the director of the office and Sarajl could go out of the office. It's rare good luck that he could get more medical treatment
without forced deportation. But the most important is that it's not over. The root cause is that the understanding about migrant worker is not changed yet in many part of Korean society
A police officer said, "You are also a Korean, aren't you? So, it stands to reason that a Korean's right is more important than a foreigner." He backed his colleague. It shows that any bills and system for migrant worker's right are useless if the thought of bureaucrats who execute the system are not changed.
After all, the nationalism which think the interests(this word is more proper than Korean human right which a police officer mentioned) of Korea is more important. We can meet society which all human rights are respected if this nationalism were vanished.
2002 / -0 / 6-
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