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Oh! Afghan

Again, this month's my article is for Afghanistan. But not like in the newspapers which are delivered in the front of your front gate with very colourful and powerful weapons to use in the air of the deserted land. Simply I want to explain the real situation of the people of who are scared by Taliban and attacked the America.

Source  :  Asian Workers News

By Sangwhan Shin / AWN Indian Correspondent

Again, this month's my article is for Afghanistan. But not like in the newspapers which are delivered in the front of your front gate with very colourful and powerful weapons to use in the air of the deserted land. Simply I want to explain the real situation of the people of who are scared by Taliban and attacked the America.

This story is based on the Japanese NGO member named Dr. Nakamura Satoshi who worked 17 years in Peshawar association, (Peshawar is the capital of the North-West province, just the gate of Khyber pass, the historical place of the border line India subcontinent and central Asia.).
According to his article in 'Human Family, a famous Japanese ecology magazine. Probably it is not so easy to understand why the Taliban could get the power after withdrawing Soviet power in Afghanistan and why America want to show the super power after the World Trade Center attack. So thus please calm down your emotion and think about the history of nonstop circle of violence.

First of all, we have to consider why only 20,000 infantry Taliban could ruled the 90% of all area, especially the students came from Pakistan and the majority tribal in Afghanistan, the Pashtoon. When we think only 15 years ago, the Taliban was American favorite cooperator to fight against the communist Russian and the North Alliance(now American-British army side!) was the enemy.
The notorious super ultra Islam fundamentalists were supported by his nowadays enemy and got the power with only foot soldiers. There is a basic question, why and how. According to Dr. Satoshi's article, after Soviet withdrawn in Kabul, almost the Afghanistan dragged down to the political chaos and never imaged the disorder and unstability. At that time, the fundamentalist could keep down it with gun power. And the opponent, Northern Alliance went to their home land, the North part, the minor tribal area of Taziks, Uzbeks.

It is a simple answer that the Taliban could keep the order with inhumanity way but the people of Afghanistan could bear the savage ruller even woman could not show the face in the street and expelled all kind of social works even to teach to the girls.(Do not need to educate women, it wa the thought of Taliban.) But at that time American did not care about her former partner.
The crisis came after Osama bin Laden's al Qaida stretched the boundary to the remote area. But there are two many conspiration theories and we could not know the opposite site, almost every single information is under control of the Pentagon which is real strange thing to compare with other wars.

The American government controls the media perfectly and unfortunately all kind of information gives us the endless encourage to hate the Terrorist!
If I am a 'the terrorist', I do not make my tomb by my hand as the stupid bin Laden to show his beard to receive the immense hate. Whatever the media broadcasted of the war story as a video game, now the people do not believe it as a true story, but can enjoy the bomb does not fall down to his head with the exception of Afghanistani..
"Only the person who could not exile to Pakistan remained!"

Believe or not, it is not important. Afghanistan is destroyed already, 12 years guerilla war, 6 years Taliban's ruling and the bombing, sa a Indian 'no problem!' Even some analyst said that the American's invasion was planed for extending her power to control Central Asia and maintaining the military industry, it is not my concern in this article.
Actually I am very tired to see(not read) newspaper nowadays. In America, the anti-terror law is readied. A according to the law, the Agency can open the suspector's e-mail box at any time and privacy is not important than the social justice(Suddenly I remember the Nazi's society's concept.) Even in India, the Anti-terror law is waiting to pass in parliament. Now the world starts to be adapt with police uniforms. Human rights? Ask the pilot who is flying over the Afghan sky.

One more thing. After the World Trade Center was attacked, there was a children's festival here, Every year the festival was very fun, the parents prepared and small kindergarten kids insisted to sale to donate even single Rupees for the poor. This year one of the painting was two very taller buildings and a small airplane to head there.

Even Ramazan, the pilot still flies over the sky.

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