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International Action Center Statement On Judge William Yohn's Ruling On Mumia Abu-Jamal

International Action Center
39 West 14th, #206
NY, NY 10011
212-633-2889 fax


Freedom loving people from all over the world are understandably happy that the imminent threat of execution is no longer hanging over the head of Mumia Abu-Jamal including his family. Let there be no doubt that had it not been for an international grass roots movement including France, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa and the U.S. and many others; if it were not for the countless marches and rallies that have propelled the conspiracy to murder Mumia Abu-Jamal into the light of day, that the courts, police and jailers of Pennsylvania would have legally murdered him a long time ago. It must be reiterated at this crucial moment that this struggle is far being over. And this struggle will not be over until an innocent journalist and political activist, persecuted for his courageous and effective leadership in the struggle against police brutality, racism and social injustice is free.

Now that Yohn has made his ruling, the system that framed Mumia is hoping that everyone will lose interest in the case and that they will get away with their outrageous and transparent conspiracy to keep an innocent main in jail. This must not happen; it will not happen and the growing worldwide movement for social justice will see that it does not happen.

Judge Yohn's ruling is not justice. It is part of a political cover-up through legal means. Let the facts speak for themselves. Why have both the federal and state courts refused to acknowledge the Arnold Beverly confession to the murder of policeman, Daniel Faulkner? This evidence alone should have overturned Abu-Jamal's murder conviction. How is it possible that during the 1996 post conviction relief act hearing that the courts refused to accept the real testimony of those eyewitnesses, William Singletary, Veronica Jones and Cynthia White who were coerced by the Fraternal Order of Police to lie on the stand about Mumia's involvement in the Faulkner murder? They all recanted their previous bogus statements that Abu-Jamal killed Faulkner.

And are we all suppose to forget that Mumia Abu-Jamal was denied the most basic constitutional rights like the legal counsel of his choice? Everybody know that Mumia's original lawyer, Anthony Jackson and the district attorney's office were in collusion to railroad Mumia to a conviction. This collusion has been documented in a recent legal brief. And when Abu-Jamal attempted to legally represent himself during his trial, he was physically removed from his own proceedings.

And what about the startling revelation made by Terri Maurer-Carter, a stenographer who overheard Judge Albert Sabo, the presiding judge in Abu-Jamal's original trial and the 1996 post conviction relief hearing, make a horrendous racist epithet towards Abu-Jamal in between legal proceedings. When Carter attempted to bring this horrendous statement to the attention of other judicial authorities, she was dismissed. Sabo earned the reputation of being a "hanging" judge since he has sent more people to death row than any other judge.

And what about the ballistics evidence? A forensic analysis acknowledged that Faulkner was killed by a 38 caliber gun but Mumia had a registered 44 caliber gun. This was clearly not a match. How can the courts ignore these indisputable facts? It is important that all of Mumia's supporters and everyone that is struggling against the criminal "injustice" system that preys on the poor, non-whites, young people, and also pays lip service to the criminal behavior of the rich, that the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal is not closed.

The Yohn ruling is not the final chapter. The system can free Mumia but they will not voluntarily free him unless the mass, grass roots pressure is intensified.

2001 / -1 / 2-
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