Mar. 14  2025
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Immigration officials illegally maneuvered and attempted to deport Kabir and Bidduth

Reference: Ms. Yi Yoon Joo,
Chief, Equality Trade Union-Migrants Branch
Seoul Gyeonggi Incheon
Equality Trade Union Migrants' Branch (ETU-MB)
Homepage: www. migrant. nodong. net
Tel: 02-985-9061, 031-594-4767

The Seoul Immigration officials illegally maneuvered the deportation of Kabir and Bidduth despite that their refusal to sign any official documents from the immigration and was already on the way to the Inchon Airport when their lawyers found out. The detainees are supposed to sign papers but the two never signed any documents. It was believed that their signatures were forged in order to maneuvered their immediate deportation.

Bidduth and Kobir have pending petition to the Labor office. According to the law, they cannot be sent back home as long as the case petition is still in the labor office. In addition, the two are proponents of the petition dated May 14, 2002 to the Korean Commission on Human Rights regarding the violation of the their rights to Free speech. Another petition was also submitted yesterday related to the Labor 3 Rights.
2002 / -0 / 9-
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