Apr. 19  2024
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Administration leaves first trace to incarcerate I

Administration leaves first trace to incarcerate Internet Broadcasting Station into NSL

Source  :  NACEP

Administration leaves first trace to incarcerate Internet Broadcasting Station into NSL

It is growingly controversial that the prosecutor put the Chungchoon, a newly made Internet Broadcasting into effect the National Security Law to issue an arrest of two
main figures.

In the meantime, several civic groups-Chamsesang Broadcasting, Nodong's Sori and Jinbonet came out with the announcement to stop the suppression on progressive media activity and movement.

Thus, the Chamsesang Broadcasting takes measure to make the mirroring site in preparation for another shot, taken by the police. Like this, this precautionary move will be continuously on the increasing.

Special Reporting Team of NACEP
2000 / -1 / 1-

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