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Dramatic video clip of student protestors' invasion of U.S. army base

More than 50 protesters broke through a chain link fence today around a strategic American military post in this commuter town several miles north of Seoul, and paraded for 35 minutes with banners demanding that American troops leave South Korea.

Source  :  Voice of People

(Reporting by ProletarianNews)

UIJONGBU -- More than 50 protesters broke through a chain link fence today around a strategic American military post in this commuter town several miles north of Seoul, and paraded for 35 minutes with banners demanding that American troops leave South Korea.

The protesters chained themselves together during the final few minutes of the march in Camp Red Cloud, headquarters for the United States Army's Second Infantry Division. Korean policemen swarmed through the main entrance to the base and arrested the marchers.

Lt. Col. Steven Boylan, spokesman for the Eighth Army in Seoul, said the demonstrators "walked through shouting, 'U.S. troops out of Korea!' " It was, he went on, "reasonable to assume there is concern" about the security of American bases in view of the incident.

United States Army officers said there were no injuries and almost no damage, but they were confounded by how easy it had been for protesters to cut through a fence surrounding the post from which the Army coordinates defenses on the main invasion route to Seoul.

2002 / -1 / 2-
BASE21 News Desk

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