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5th year of struggle and commitment to serve the migrants and its people!

KASAMMAKO, the alliance of Filipino Migrant workers communities and organizations in Korea celebrated its 5th year Anniversary last February 1.

Source  :  Asian Worker News

by Marlen Kim Obrero

KASAMMAKO, the alliance of Filipino Migrant workers communities and organizations in Korea celebrated its 5th year Anniversary last February 1. In time for the Lunar New year festivities in Korea where families and relatives meet, the KASAMMAKO member organizations gather to renew and deepen its commitment with its migrant workers as its family and people whom it pledged to serve.

The anniversary was at SungShin Church in Mia-5-dong and was attended by more than 200 members coming from as far as Kyonggido Kwangju, Uijungbu, Suwon, Osan, Inchon, Puchon, Chonju and different areas around Seoul.

Highlights of the yearlong activities and campaign were shared including the issue of the crackdown, registration, the Peace rally it held in Hyewadong, the Cultural Festival, and the responses on the members and non-members who asked for assistance.

Sr. Lee Kum Yeon of the Anyang Migrant Center, Rev. Jang Chang Weon of the Dansom Laborer Center in Osan were the invited speakers who shared about the concern of migrant women and sex-trafficking issues, and the Korean situation and view on migrant policy of the Korean government respectively. Rev. Lee Hee Soo opened the anniversary with a short message and prayer.

Mr Mark Padlan shared about the updates of the Migrate International Congress where KASAMMAKO and its member organization are also members. It was announced that since the law for absentee voting is already approved, the Migrante International will participate in the 2004 election as Party List representative. The necessity to have a migrant representation in the Philippine congress was approved in the Migrate International general Assembly so that the 7.8 million Filipino migrants all over the will have a say in the government policy especially those who will represent them are from the ranks of the migrant workers themselves.

Campaign for the whole year was also laid down and direction setting was reported by the KASAMMAKO executive officers including the issue of registration, legalization, the call for Peace, the call for the Pull-out of the US-Troops in the Philippines, opposition to the war in Iraq and the international campaign to defend the rights of Jose Maria Sison (JMS) whom was tagged as "terrorist" by the European Union and US Departments. JMS is patriotic Professor who is in exile in the Netherlands and has filled political asylum due to the political persecution and threat of his life from the Philippine government.

The KASAMMAKO anniversary was concluded by a worship.

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