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We warn the Korea Ministry of Information & Communication and Munhwa Broad Casting

We solemnly warn the Korean Ministry of Information & Communication(MIC) of the absurd intrusion of 'Legislation for Communication Decency' and also warn Munhwa Broad Casting of(MBC) the danger of one-sided reporting about the incident that MIC's web service was downed for 10 hours on August 26th (from 12 to 22 oclock). They Calls it "Hackers' Attach."

Source  :  Jinbonet

We solemnly warn the Korean Ministry of Information & Communication(MIC) of the absurd intrusion of 'Legislation for Communication Decency' and also warn Munhwa Broad Casting of(MBC) the danger of one-sided reporting about the incident that MIC's web service was downed for 10 hours on August 26th (from 12 to 22 oclock). They Calls it "Hackers' Attach."

Lately, the Korean Ministry of Information & Communication is preparing for the revision of the Act concerning the promotion of using the Info. communication network.
However, this newly-proposed Act has been arousing the tough resistance from many users of on-line internet and civic groups, hitting snag of a harsh criticism, another controling law in the off-line for the communication decency. Those who oppose to railroad this law have advocated the negative effects about this draconian Act.
This is why this law covers only the part- "establishment on the sound order of Information Communication" such as the Internet content rating scheme amongst most part of the whole stipulations under the name of securing private information.
Meanwhile, several civic groups (Korea Women's Associations United, Korean Progressive Network Center- Jinbonet, PeaceNet, Korean Council of Labor Network) came out with the joint follow-up announcement containing anti-position about this law.
That these groups take measures to make a co-oath in spite of the unacceptance about the move which infringed on women such as on-line sexual harassment or unilateral objection of the purpose to protect the younger student is due to the dangerousness of this law as fully expected.
There are many indications that this Act's unbalance is a major problem to put its whole authority into the Korean Ministry of Info. & Comm. and the Committee of Info. and Comm., empowering the another jurisdiction
Also, it is pointed out that the hindrance of the on-line internet's contents and internet surveillance can be allowed for the Seoul government.
(reference on the attached announcement)
As a reference, the situation says that like this law, there is in the process of a court of appeal towards the Korean Ministry of Info. & Comm. and its affiliated Committee about the Act on Electric Communication Business which hands over the right concerning the media for Info. & Comm. Furthermore, on-line users voicing up the degree of their resistance, holding the on-line protest in succession to the firstly opened demonstration on the 20th of August.
In addition, the Korean Ministry of Info. and Comm.'s homepage is filled with hundreds of e-mail written in the negative campaign by on-line users, projecting another on-line rally targeting on the web-site of Korean Ministry of Info. & Comm. on the 28th of August.
At this juncture, the web-site of the Korean Ministry of Info. & Comm. couldn't be plugged in over the numerous log-in of online users. Jinbonet, a nation's mecca for progressive movement sees this happening as a firm will and resolution to resist about this controlling law in the cyberspace.
On the other hand, the Ministry of Info. & Comm. even don't try any attitudinal position change about people's opinions expressing an objection of this law. The Ministry only mistaking this people's righteous move for something misdemeanor such as 'ugly Korean (daily Daehan Newsnet )', Netizens' Huligan (daily Joongang). Also, the Ministry has supported the negative positions which a few civic groups may appear to have an affirmative positions on this law, mentioning these groups' name such as Korean Counseling for Sexual Crime and Parents's Association for the right Education
Finally, today's down avalanche that the Ministry easily got an attack of hacking from some on-line eager-beaver is a major crime. And, Ministry treated users on cyberspace as a criminal. But, another point of the view taking issue with this incident is how the web-site made in the national information network can be so prone to be broken down even by a small trial of some pseudo user.
Amongst this turmoil, "civic group is suspected of intentionally making the server of Ministry down for showing their campaign aim by making use of hacking program" Choi Hyuk-jae, a reporter of Munhwa Broad Casting News Desk made a reporting. But, this is not right when the word "hacking" used at this time.
The word, 'hacking' means " a deed of breaking or fixing program which has no authority to remodify. Today's buzz derived from the Ministry is totally different from that of the activity to intrude without any permission of server, resulting in the only outnumbered log-in. Moreover, there is no choice but to make doubt that the Ministry may have an intention of manipulating this incident which may be advantageous for themselves to get more positive opinions. Also, there was little move whether this really was done by hacking or not, even though no official statement and countermeasures have made after the recovery of Ministry's web-site at the time of turning 27th of August. over

The Jinbonet made a decision to alter its movement line from rejecting on-line service to writing the protesting opinions [anti-surveillance] as already scheduled. This rejecting on-line service was expected to have a probability that the Ministry can trace many online users into threat by the current law, casting off the users's opinions and demands.
To our most surprise, the press, Munhwa Broad Casting pins down our worry that the journalists may have power-centered prejudice and inadequate understanding about this incident.
However, we insist that the freedom of speech, expression and meeting should be guaranteed with the continuation of consecutive on-line protest.
Under no circumstances have the politically righteous expression by users on internet criticized as a cyber-terror.
From now on, the Korean Ministry of Information & Communication facing a vehement resistance of the people against this law. The Ministry has to bring to an stop of disinteresting this law's unrealistic application to the real cyberworld in good earnest where users freely debating on their opinions off the hook.
We, the civic groups including Jinbonet will put an end to the move to shackle the internet's freedom with our supporters, across the country. We will hold the online protest, scheduled at noon on the 28th of Aug. in the free-note page of the Ministry's web-site without any let-up.Once again, we warning the activity of the Ministry's unreasonable measure and partial reporting of Munhwa Broad Casting.

Also, we demand as below

1. No manipulation of public opinion, the Ministry must keep on the right track.
1. The Munhwa Broad Casting must express an apology about the partial report
1. Do stop Legislation for Communication Decency
1. Do oppose to implement the Internet content rating scheme

Korean Progressive Network Center

* Related site-->
* Co-announcement of civic groups-->
* MBC News Desk related report-->
"The Ministry Hacked by Cyber Terror "

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