Mar. 14  2025
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New virus set to attack Outlook Express users

Experts warned yesterday of the outbreak of new computer viruses infecting users of Microsoft Outlook Express, coming hot on the heels of Navidad.

Source  :  Korea Herald

Experts warned yesterday of the outbreak of new computer viruses infecting users of Microsoft Outlook Express, coming hot on the heels of Navidad.

Traveling via e-mail, the new malicious programs have yet to arrive in Korea but are likely to hit domestic computer systems soon, they said.

Hauri, an antivirus company, said a new worm named W32.BleBla is particularly dangerous as it executes upon the user previewing or opening to read the infected e-mail in Microsoft Outlook and current virus scanners cannot detect it.

Also known as MyRomeo and Verona, this worm uses HTML-enhanced e-mail to infect unknowing recipients automatically and can update itself via the Internet.

At present, this worm does not carry a destructive payload, however it can connect to the Internet and therefore might download a new and more dangerous payload at anytime.

No visible attachments are included, however the worm's HTML coding will load two files; MyRomeo.exe and MyJuliet.chm into the target computer system.

The file MyRomeo.exe will search for and use all addresses found within the infected computer's Outlook address book to send copies of W32.BleBla.

Another computer virus, called MTX is fast spreading in Japan, affecting more than 1,000 computer systems so far this month, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, a leading Japanese newspaper, reported.

A variant of the Love virus, the MTX, is transmitted as an e-mail attachment which once opened infiltrates into computer systems to launch an assault downing system that eventually damages data. It also duplicates itself to travel to other users.

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