AIRC Participant Profile: Noor Rahmat Shah Bin Haron
From the Asia Internet Rights Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 8th-10th.
Source :  BASE21

Name/Country: Noor Rahmat Shan Bin Haron/Malaysia
Position: Journalist and Student Activist
I'm actively involved in the Malaysian democratic movement. At the same time I'm working as a journalist at, a web-based daily radio news programme.
What issues do you want to raise in the conference?
Well, I just came here to present the experiences of the Malaysian populist "Reformasi" movement and how the movement uses the internet as counter-state hegemony.
What is the state of internet controling policy in your country, and the resistance to such state regulation?
So far there's no law yet in control of the internet. But the state now is preparing the bills in parliament to amend a law on the internet. So by next year, there will be a law on internet censorship and regulation. But at the same time, we already have so many laws that directly suppress democratic space, such as the Internal Security Act (ISA), the Official Secret Act (OSA), the Defamation Act, the Police Act, the Press and Publications Act, and many more.
At this time, counter-measures are not directly involved with the internet only. It is a part of the whole democratic movement.
What urgent issues would you like to raise?
Well, it is not directly related to the conference but I must say this. The urgent issue directly relates to the Malaysian present situation, mostly the use of the Internal Security Act (ISA) which detains without trial and without any time measurement or detention period. Last April, ten progressive activists were detained under the ISA. In June, four of them were released. Last week, one was released due to health problems. And the rest are still imprisoned without trial in the detention center. Abolish the ISA! Free all political prisoners.
How do you think participants can continue international solidarity?
Through networking and specific campaigns on the issues of internet rights.
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