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Y2K Problem

What is the Y2K Problem ? The Year 2000, or Y2K, problem (also known as the millennium bug) is caused by a shortcut used in many computers and microchips. In the early years of computers, memory space was at a premium, and to save space the date was written using two digits to represent the year

Source  :  NACEP

¢¼ What is the Y2K Problem ?
The Year 2000, or Y2K, problem (also known as the millennium bug) is caused by a shortcut used in many computers and microchips. In the early years of
computers, memory space was at a premium, and to save space the date was written using two digits to represent the year. For example, the character string '56' would be used to represent 1956. Many of the older computer systems which remain in use in today still have two-digit date code. The problem arises when an older computer system tries to use the year 2000 date because it understand the date is 1900, not 2000. This misleading can potentially cause serious problems such as systems shut down, malfunction, or loss of important information.
The most common misconception about Y2K is that it is a single problem, when in fact the year 2000 date roll-over will cause a variety of problems. Because all
of these errors have the same root cause, and the solution processes for many of the defects are similar, many people refer to all date roll-over problems as a single issue. Unfortunately this perspective has created a commonly held belief that the problem is trivial although widespread, and a single solution is possible. It must be clarified that the problems are both complex and widespread, and each problem area requires specific
and individual solutions.

¢¼ What Types of Computer Functions are Affected ?
A wide variety of computers are affected by Year 2000 problems, ranging from personal computers for home use to mainframes that run huge corporations, and
everything in between such as workstations, client/server systems, networking hardware, and processors embedded in machinery. Hardware, system software, and application softwares can all be incapable of handling the Year 2000. Simply upgrading hardware
doesn't remedy problem running on the hardware; and compliant software can't run if the hardware crashes. Any activity performed by any type of computer involving dates after 1999 is at risk, such as software applications that perform forward planning,
financial calculations, processing of taxes, wages, benefits, scheduling, sell-by and expiry dates, school and medical records, retail transactions, reservation systems, transportation, communications -- there is no aspect of our lives that is untouched by computers. In
addition, almost all food processing, manufacturing, power generation and transmission, water and waste treatment, and all the conveniences of modern life are conducted by computerized automation.

¢¼ What Solutions are There ?
First solution is Date Expansion. This solution is to use full four-digit years rather than abbreviations in all dates. Most data entry procedures can be written with instructions for correctly interpreting two-digit year entry, while displaying, storing, and outputting dates with four digits, and can allow the user to enter four digits if required.
Date expansion is unambiguous and will work correctly until 9999, if the hardware and operation systems allow. Date expansion has the disadvantage of requiring changes to the storage space allotted for data.
Second solution is Date Windowing. In this solution, two-digit year value can be windowed, by assuming that the year must fall within a 100-year range. This method is essentially how abbreviated dates work right now; the 100-year period is assumed to be from 1900 to 1999. The date window can be set to any 100-year period. For example, if the 100-year range assumption is from 1970 to 2069, and correct
instructions are written in the software, the software will perform date processing correctly until 2069. Date windowing requires no changes to data storage, no conversion of old data, and no changes to screens or reports. However, this solution has a disadvantage. The code to perform the interpretation of dates must be written very carefully, keeping in mind the varying requirements of all of the applications which
may use or interact with the dates. Final solution is Date Setback. There are two types of date setback techniques, one requiring the manipulation of data, and the other involving the system clock itself. In the manipulation of data, the year data can be set back by 30 years, for example, making '99' appears to be '69'. This approach is very risky, as it involves changes to both code and data. Setting the computer's system
clock back by 30 years is sometimes an acceptable temporary remedy, for a stand-alone device that has no inputs or outputs from other systems.

¢¼ How Can I Make My PC and Software Compliant ?
Start getting accustomed to using the 'YYYY-MM-DD' date format now. For a helpful discussion of the ISO-8601 date format recommendations, see In windows, set the default date format to year/month/day order, with 4-digit year and leading zeros in month and day. Most current Windows software applications use this default setting, so many applications will use this format as soon as the windows default is set correctly.
However, all applications should still be checked, and the date default set if necessary. In addition to familiarizing yourself with this date format, applications that truncate date fields or use date values incorrectly will be easier to identify. Ask vendors about Y2K compliance before buying new software or upgrades.
In addition, all computer system users must prepare themselves. Personal preparation can be as simple as stocking up on candles, food staples, and batteries. Obtaining paper copies of important records; writing to service and utility providers requesting information on their compliance and contingency plans; making sure to have some cash on hand and a full fuel tank in the car -- these are some cheap, easy,
very basic precautions everyone should take. Several of the web sites listed below are good starting places for individual planning efforts.

1999 / -0 / 5-

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