Apr. 20  2024
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VIRUS ALERT (navidad virus) (ATTACHED is the Anti-navidad Vaccine)

Recently a new virus from Spain has been damaging our computers, making the computer to send message "winsvrc.exe to be missing". or any *.exe files to disappear. The virus onced triggered by certain key or if the virus is attached to email messages and the user may accidentally open or download the "NAVIDAD.COM, the virus immediately slid in the memory of the computer and causes it to malfuction.

Source  :  J Mark KASAMMAKO-Korea Katipunan ng mga Samahan ng Migranteng Manggagawa sa

Warm greetings friends,

Recently a new virus from Spain has been damaging our computers, making the computer to send message "winsvrc.exe to be missing". or any *.exe files to disappear. The virus onced triggered by certain key or if the virus is attached
to email messages and the user may accidentally open or download the "NAVIDAD.COM, the virus immediately slid in the memory of the computer and causes it to malfuction.

The virus can easily be killed by the attached anti-virus ( You can make use of the anti virus by copying it to a disk then close the compute, you may use the A> promt. or you can click the start menu and press the "run key"
and type the ", then press enter. This will immediately kill the virus.

Important NOTE:
(1) If you receive in your email messages from your with an attachment of NAVIDAD.COM, do not open the attached file.

(2) To make sure the virus has not yet inside and not yet triggered press search ang look for navidad and delete it in the file manager, or just Immediately run the vaccine.

Please pass this message on to all our friends, including the attached

J Mark
Katipunan ng mga Samahan ng Migranteng Manggagawa sa
Korea (Unity of Filipino Migrants Organization in Korea)
2000 / -1 / 1-

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