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No to Neo-liberal globalization! Korean activists head for J21 struggles

Korean activists are heading for Genoa to join the tens of thousands demonstrators against the G8 meeting to be held next week.....

Source  :  PICIS

No to Neo-liberal globalization! Korean activists head for J21 struggles

Korean activists are heading for Genoa to join the tens of thousands demonstrators against the G8 meeting to be held next week. Mi-Kyeong Ryu, a representative from the Korea People's Action against BIT & WTO (KoPA) and members of the Solidarity of Koreans in Europe, on the 21st, will join together with tens of thousands of other activists from around world in front of Chiesa di San Giuliano d'Albaro and march with banners that defy globalization and the US missile defence program rightfully referred to as the second 'Star Wars'.

KoPA is an alliance of 40 organizations in Korea formed in 1999 to fight against globalization and free trade( Solidarity of Koreans in Europe was formed in May this year, during the People's Ceremony of Europe commemorating the 1980 people's uprising of Kwangju. The network includes Koreans who have migrated to Europe, some in political exile.

We will keep you updated on the activities of Koreans during the Genoa demonstrations.

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