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MAYDAY '02: End to Unstable Labour!

ë©Œommon Struggle Against Unstable Labour and For Attainment of Labour and Livelihood Rights

Source  :  PICIS

An activist from Common Struggle puts on a performance about the hardships of unstable workers. (photo from Chamsaesang News)

On 1st May, migrant, disabled, unemployed and women workers, together with students, formed a 2,000-strong rank and held the 'Day of Uprising of Unstable Workers' rally, in commemoration of the 112th Mayday. The rally, with colourful dancing and singing, was co-hosted by the ‘Common Struggle Against Unstable Labour and For Attainment of Labour and Livelihood Rights’ and workers’ cultural performance groups.

‘Common Struggle Against Unstable Labour and For Attainment of Labour and Livelihood Rights’ took off on 17th April, as a solidarity network of more than 40 organisations from around the country, aimed to campaign against the growing instability of workers and against neoliberal flexibility and restructuring of the labour market. It came out of the initiative that more specific organizing efforts and demands have to be drawn out in order to effectively organise those workers who were marginalized not only within the capitalist labour market but also within the labour movement itself. While the traditional workers’ movement was concentrated and led by unionized workers, predominantly male and obviously Korean and non-disabled, the reality under neoliberalism calls for a different strategy and a new movement altogether, to include and organise the traditionally marginalized groups.

The rally started off with a performance by unemployed workers from the northern part of Seoul. After the performance, 15 disabled workers came forth and read out their statement. Disabled workers have been implementing struggles to attain workers rights and accessibility rights evermore militantly after the recent death of a disabled activist, Choi Ok-ran, who died while demanding basic subsidies from the government as well as rights in general for disabled people.

Migrant workers also formed an active contingent at the rally. With ongoing suppression and crackdown from the government, the turnout in number was small due to fear of arrests, but the representatives who were there were all the more determined to fight the Korean government that is trying to forcefully deport them prior to the World Cup Games. Their determination was manifested through a cultural performance and a speech by a Nepalese worker.

There were also performances by a group of women workers, and representatives from unemployed, casual, migrant and disabled workers’ groups joining in to proclaim the final statement of the Common Struggle. “We, disabled, migrant, unemployed, women, casual workers, are those who are denied the most basic social rights. We are all comrades, brothers and sisters. The purest energy for emancipation comes from the lowest and the most oppressed. On this day, we vow to fight together in solidarity to the very day that a world is constructed where workers are free. From unstable lives to hopeful work! Let’s bring an end to unstable labour, and attain labour and livelihood rights!”

Activists of Common Struggle are traveling around the country throughout May and will continue to hold demonstrations in solidarity with migrant, unemployed, disabled, casual and women workers, and lead the way to energising the Korean workers’ movement in all its diversity and specificity, and attack the heart of neoliberalism.

Power Plant workers, whose strikes ended in April, show their fists at the KCTU rally. (photo from Daewoo Motors Media Group)

15,000 people gathered at the Mayday main rally hosted by the KCTU. (photo from Chamsaesang News)

A migrant worker hands out leaflets at the Mayday rally. (photo from Daewoo Motors Media Group)

Migrant workers shout slogans. Their headbands read "Legalise migrants". (photo from Daewoo Motors Media Group)

Disabled activists show their determination at the 'Day of Uprising of Unstable Workers' rally. (photo from Daewoo Motors Media Group)

Korea Metal Workers Federation march with a banner that says "No Neoliberalism" (photo from Daewoo Motors Media Group)

2002 / -0 / 5-
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