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Anti-War Activities during March 22-25

-Citizenë­© Network for Cultural Reform had a press conference on the 25th, ë°¯e want Peace, not War. We want Cultural Exchange, not Troops Dispatch!!

Source  :  Green Korea Report

-Local Autonomy Network announced that the National Assembly members must vote against the dispatch, or the network would campaign, during the General Election next year, against those who agree on the dispatch bill

-Three Korean Iraq Peace Team members, out of total 12 members, are still staying near a water purification facility in Baghdad. There are five members in Jordan, and five have returned to Korea.

-Rohsamo, “the Gathering of Persons Who Love Roh Moo-Hyun,” which played a major role during the presidential election campaign last year, adopted, with 82% of its participating members’ agreement, a statement announcing their opposition on the dispatch.

-The Democratic Labor Party announced a poll result: A public opinion poll during March 22-23 revealed that 75% answered that they are against the war on Iraq. Regarding Korean troops dispatch, 59% answered that they are against Korea’s participation in the war.

-In the morning of the 24th, Women members of National Assembly from the Millennium Democratic Party have announced that they oppose to dispatch Korean military to join the U.S.

-Civil organizations protesting against the dispatch started rallying overnight in front of the National Assembly –“Voting for dispatch is an act of war-criminals” on the 23rd, Civil organizations, opposing to the government’s position on the Iraqi war and dispatch, continued their rally and demanded the National Assembly not to pass the dispatch bill.

-“Dispatch to the war on Iraq is immoral” – Anti-war and anti-dispatch rallies throughout the country on the 22nd, Saturday. In Seoul, seven thousand people had gathered at Gwanghwamoon in Seoul’s heart, where candle vigils were initiated last year for the two young students who were killed by an U.S. armored vehicle, for another candlelight rally, this time against anti-war.
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