Europe Korean Solidarity Begins Powerful Activities with South Korea and International People.
In August, the homepage of European Korean Solidarity (EKS) opened. The website address is
Source :  BASE21

In August, the homepage of European Korean Solidarity (EKS) opened. The website address is EKS is a network of progressive Koreans who live in Europe. Some are members from political, workers, and women's organizations and others are individual activists. It was launched on May 20th, 2001 with about 40 members.
The aim of this solidarity is to reunify the two Koreas and to fight the neo-liberal system. They have worked on many issues with South Korean, European, and international progressive organizations.
Their solidarity activities with international activists are now updated on their homepage. For example, the Daewoo Worker's struggle, the people's ceremony of May and the struggles against G8 meeting in Genoa this year are all on their website.
Koreans are a small ethnic group in Europe. Some of them came to Europe in the 1960s to work mainly in Germany as miners or nurses and others to study. The South Korean government arrested 160 students and ex-students for organizing a pro-North Korean spy group in 1967. They were charged for meeting North Koreans and discussing how to bring peace to the peninsula. It was one example of a typical dictatorial plot to oppress democratic movements in that country.
The Main members of EKS are Lee Jong-hyon, Yoon Oon Sup, In Soe Chon, Choi Jeong Kyul Choi Yoon Sook, Hong Sae Hwa, and Lee Dong Hwa. Most of them have still been refused entrance to South Korea by the government.
In the introduction to their organization on their homepage, they state, "South and North Korea have to stop the military conflict and make peace and cooperation. We were pleased to see the two leaders of the South and the North have talks last year, but the process is not easy. Since the start of the Bush administration, it has kept its distance from North Korea, and it has started a new Star Wars policy against countries such as North Korea, Iraq, and Cuba. We believe that Koreans in the South and the North, and overseas Koreans have to try to prevent the hegemonic influence of the US, and to make peace. On the other hand, Koreans have to fight for democracy and equality in their own country. We want to support the workers and peoples movement, and draw support from the international community."
Jang Kwang-yul, executive officer of Europe Korean Solidarity click!
Base21 staff reporter PatchA interviewed Jang Kwang-yul, executive officer of Europe Korean Solidarity. We heard about the process of establishing this solidarity and what their activities are.
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