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Solidarity Message from Korean Groups for Peace: We, the Korean Groups for Peace, are Extending a Strong Support to the Peace-Loving Activists in Israel!

Although we reside in a remote place from the disputed area, we will do our best to establish a lasting peace in the Middle East by freeing the region of conflicts.

Currently, the Middle East is mired in a vicious circle that is represented by bloody war and retaliation. Ever since Israel declared war against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the regions has been tainted by gun points and tragic events such as a series of suicidal bombings by youngster in their 20s.

The right wing and the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon are holding fast to their hard line position at the expense of priceless life and dignity of many of its civilians. We all know that this kind of vulnerable situation will sow the seed of retaliation, not hope in the minds of children as they have been exposed ceaselessly to gun points and deaths of their family members.

Fortunately, there are some conscientious Israelis who long for peace despite the intent of some in the Israeli government to seek violence until complete destruction of the other. We, the Korean groups for peace, are very much overwhelmed with joy and happiness by this.

On the very day when Israeli forces invaded Palestinian territory in retaliation for the suicidal bombings by the Palestinians, peace-loving activists of Israel, Palestine and Arab countries engaged in a collective march for peace amid heavy gun fires. Some 5 thousand marchers called for co-existence of Israel and Palestine based on equality and cease of war, invasion and war crimes. Particularly noticeable was the female marchers who stood in front of the group wearing white clothes that symbolize peace and nonviolence.

Currently, increasing number of conscientious Israeli soldiers serving in the Palestinian territories and some one thousand reserves and servicemen on active duty are rejecting to serve their military duties in the face of legal restrictions backed by some three thousand civilian supporters. So-called "Conscientious Movement to Reject Military Service" is spreading fast in Israel despite unyielding stance by the Israeli military authority never to permit such actions.

In an effort to preserve the conscience of human beings that is under attack by brutal and bloody war and to put to an end the dominance over human beings, peace-loving Israelis are engaged in war for peace and they will continue to do so in the future. They will also continue with their fight to bring to a close the war that inflicts pain and suffering on the socially weak and that sow the seed of evil in the minds of people. We, the Korean groups for peace, extend full support to these activists and strongly believe that, although they might be outnumbered now, they will certainly become an unwavering spirit for peace in the future.

Although we reside in a remote place from the disputed area, we will do our best to establish a lasting peace in the Middle East by freeing the region of conflicts. We will take an active part in the movement for peace prompted by conscientious Israelis. We will also do our best to let the world know of their motivation.

List of Participating Organizations:

Catholic Peace Keepers / Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice / Green Korea / Counsel for National Reconciliation, Self-Reliance, and Reunification of Korea / Korean Confederation of Trade Unions / National Association of Professors for Democracy /Solidarity for Non-violence and Peace / People's Solidarity for Social Progress / Solidarity for New Society / Korean House for International Solidarity / Citizens Solidarity For Human Rights / Sarangbang Group for Human Rights / National Association of Student Councils / Good Friends / Youth and Student Committee for Antiwar (8 groups including Evergreen Youth of Green Korea and Altogether) / People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy / Women Making Peace / Solidarity for Peace and Human Rights / Federation of Korean Trade Unions / Korea Women's Associations United / Korean Women's Friends Association / Korea Women's Hot Line / Civil Network for a Peaceful Korea / People Going Together / Korean Federation for Environmental Movement / Democratic Labor Party Seoul Sector / Democratic Labor Party Seoul Student Committee / Socialist Party of Korea

2002 / -0 / 6-
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