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Korean People's Struggle Photo Gallery   

   Two Korean girls killed by U.S. military vehicle

   Click the pictures, then You can see the real one

   July 31th, Memorial Service for two girls



    July 27th, Nation-wide people's demonstration against US army


    Chair persons of Civic and social organizations started sit-in with insisting on the punishment of the soldiers and revision of the SOFA.


    July 26th, National Association of South Korean Cartoonist held a demonstration to request the transfer of criminal jurisdiction from the U.S. military, as stipulated in the controversial Status of Forces Agreeement (SOFA), to South Korean authorities; the revision of the SOFA; and the removal of the U.S. military from South Korea .



   July 14th, the fourth nation-wide people's demonstration for two girls who were killed by the US military army was held in front of the 2nd infantry division camp in Uijeongbu




    Make them alive ! make them alive ! - June 26th, The first people's demonstration in front of the 2nd infantry division camp in Uijeongbu



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