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Christian's Photo Column   

   The many faces of South Korea

Christian is a German journalist, photographer, and activist. He joined the resistance movement in Palestine for one year, and was once an honored guest at the Pyongyang International Film Festival. He now resides in Seoul.

  Perhaps Mongolian. Migrant workers struggle, demonstration June 2002 Together we're strong. Korean supporters of the migrant workers struggle  
  Watching the cultural program on the rally, Jong-myo park, June 2002/7/7 African migrant workers in Masok (industry city near Seoul). Culture festival for supporting the struggle of the migrant workers  
  Future in tradition. Preparing for the Sunday celebration in Jong-myo park, where hundreds of old persons listening and dancing to traditional Korean music Preparing for the next struggle speech. Rally in Seoul, May 2002  
  Opium for the people? Celebration of Buddha¡¯s birthday, May 2002. Bangladeshi in Korea  
  Face of the future Except to struggle with the cops, the Korean like to make parties.  
  Street trader on work. Learning for the class struggle during a rally.  
  Preparing for the struggle. Migrant workers demonstration, June 2002. Traditional dance and music (Yang-go) for seniors in Jong-myo park.  

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