Apr. 19  2024
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Statement of Korean Government Employees Union (KGEU)
  The Korean Government Employees Union (KGEU, President Cha Bong-Cheon) -the hope of 900,000 government workers - is angered, together with the people of Korea, at the outbreak of police violence at the peaceful pre-rally ceremonies that were taking place at Hanyang University.

Video of police raid at the rally: Realplayer | WindowsMedia
- The video is in Korean, but no translation is needed to show the brutality of the police!
Workers, farmers, students protest government policies
Last weekend, large masses of workers, farmers, and students held a series of protests against a variety of policies by the South Korean government.

South Korean strikes spread
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

Riot police set to break up South Korean banking strike
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

S Korea police poised to break bankers' strike
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

Striking Workers Barricade Selves
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

SKorea bank merger protest continues
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

Labor's 'winter struggle' fizzles as unions call off strikes
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

Inter-Korean laborers' meeting in jeopardy over Seoul ban
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

Korean union views port boycott
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

S. Koreans Rebuke Anti-Communist Law
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

Migrant workers in Pyounghwa clothing market
- 2000.-1.2-/ 김정우

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