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Letter to My Friend, Hankukyi
By Choi Hyun-mo Director of Policy Making, Korea Migrant Workers Human Rights Centre

Race to More Liberalization, Race to the Bottom--A look into the liberalization process and its effects in Korea
Ever since the economic crisis, the Kim Dae-jung government of Korea has been promoting series of measures to incorporate Korean economy into the financialised global economy.

Assessment of Kim Dae-Jungë­© Gender Policies
Translated by PICIS from the Korean original published in PSSP Monthly (July-August 2002). Comments added by PICIS are in brackets [ ].

Migrant Workers' Union Takes Off
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Abolish the Internal Security Act of Malaysia and Release All Detainees!!
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Korea National Railroad's first democratic union leader elected
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[No.84/In-Depth Look]The government attack on the debate on conscription
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[No.84/Intl' Solidarity]We are quite satisfied with just One Episode of the Star Wars
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[No.84/Headline]May Day Struggle in Korea
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[No.84/Headline]Ruling parties delay enactment of the Maternity Protection Law
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[No.83/In-Depth Look ] My 10 won worth
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[No.83/International Solidarity]Week of Action Against Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements
- 2001.-0.4-/ picis

[No.83/Headline]Trade union leader sues sexual violence victims and women activists
- 2001.-0.4-/ picis

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