Severe beating with shoe to the fallen foreign laborer without reason
- 2000.-1.0-/ ê¹€ì •ìš°Human Rights Group Web Site "Conquered" by The Police
- 2000.-1.0-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° Illegal Strip Searches of KTU Teachers by Police
- 2000.-1.0-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° Law on Assembly and Demonstration (LAD) about to be changed for the worse, yet again.
- 2000.-0.5-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° A Choice between Army Service & Slavery?
- 2000.-0.5-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° Think about Significance of Other Human Rights.
- 1999.-1.2-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° An Open Letter to Pres. Clinton and Pres. Kim on the Nogun-ri Massacre
- 1999.-1.0-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° National Security Law
- 1999.-1.0-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° The Abolishment of National Security Law; Spirit of the Great Delight Year
- 1999.-0.8-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° 115 Groups Unite Against the National Security Law
- 1999.-0.9-/ ê¹€ì •ìš° |